1.首先我们在安装Qt的时候,记得勾选msvc,MinGW这些编译器,由于我是在windows下开发,所有只选择了msvc,MinGW编译器 2.QtCreator配置 参考 前言 在网上下载Qt工程中在本机中,用自己的QtCreator经常会遇到各种报错 “QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=–target=i686-w64-mingw32” “Q...
出现ConfiguringDone之后,找到ENABLE_CXX11,勾选,再点击一次Configure,等待Configuring Done,接着点Generate等待出现Generating done。 打开cmd,cd命令到D:\opencv\build\x64\MinGW 输入命令minGW32-make等待编译完成。根据电脑性能编译的时间不同,本笔记本编译了一个小时。 编译完之后输入minGW32-make install 安装。添加...
Extract the files into a directory such as C:\MinGW Add C:\MinGW\bin; to the PATH environment variable. You will need a program that can extract .tar.lzma files, such as7-Zipor one that provides command-line tar and lzma tools. A basic standalone tar program that includes lzma support...
Mingw32: Use ATOMIC_PTR functions to avoid compiler warnings due to i… d2609d3 Member nobucommentedJun 6, 2024• edited There is no such warning in Github Actions, what version compiler are you using? *((char *)ptr)refers only acharatptr, it doesn't look to express the intension....
A basic template for building apps/games using the SDL2 libraries with CMake and MinGW compiler on Windows. - GitHub - stho01/sdl2-cmake-mingw32-template: A basic template for building apps/games using the SDL2 libraries with CMake and MinGW compiler on
["-c","'mingw32-make run'"]},"linux":{"command":"bash","args":["-c","'make run'"]},"osx":{"command":"bash","args":["-c","'make run'"]}},{"label":"clean","type":"shell","windows":{"command":"powershell","args":["-c","'mingw32-make clean'"]},"linux":{...
Zenity | Metasploit | GCC (compiler) | Pyinstaller (compiler) | mingw32 (compiler) | pyherion.py (crypter) wine (emulator) | PEScrambler.exe (PE obfuscator) | apache2 (webserver)| winrar (wine) | shellter (KyRecon) vbs-obfuscator (obfuscator) | avet (Daniel Sauder) | ettercap (MitM...
x86_64-w64-mingw32 C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2020b\3P.instrset\mingw_w64.instrset\bin>mex -setup cpp No supported compiler was found. You can install the freely available MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler; visit https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/install-mingw-suppor...
同样的方法配置mingw64\bin的环境变量,等会儿gdb用的是mingw64里面的。 接下来就是进vscode改配置。这些配置里面有关目录要改成你自己的,我的目录只是参考。 c_cpp_properties.json { "configurations": [ { "name": "Win32_TCC", "includePath": [ ...
mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -std=c++11 -c G:\MyBackup\code\CodeBlock\Test\main.cpp -o obj\Debug\main.o G:\MyBackup\code\CodeBlock\Test\main.cpp: In function 'void TestNonConstReference()': G:\MyBackup\code\CodeBlock\Test\main.cpp:18:29: error: invalid initialization of...