Open XL C/C++ 1.1drops support for the following feature test macro, which was supported inz/OS XL C/C++. _EXT This feature test macro used to be needed to declarealloca()when includingstdlib.hinz/OS XL C/C++. This macro is no longer predefined by theOpen XL C/C++ 1.1compiler. When...
CompilerMacro Structure (Windows) CompilerMacro Members CompilerMacro Methods CompilerMacro Properties CompilerOptions Enumeration CreateOptions Enumeration CubeMapFace Enumeration CullMode Enumeration DepthFormat Enumeration DepthStencilBuffer Class DeviceLostException Class ...
(1)set_dont_touch_placement [all_macro_cells] 固定macro //执行为好 (2)report_ignored_layers 检查是否有忽略的route layer (3)检查标准单元拜访约束report_pnet_options,检查placement blockage是否正确printvar physopt_hard_keepout_distance,printvar placer_soft_keepout_channel_width (4)设置NDR rule (...
通过vite创建的vue3项目,在使用defineProps时,如果通过import从vue中进行了引用,会在终端中出现下面的警告信息: defineProps属于vue3提供的宏,并不需要引入,所以当出现这种警告的时候,可以直接通过编辑器的搜索功能,在全局范围内找到对defineProps的引入,然后注释掉,这条警告就会消失。
翻译:Vue 单文件组件 (SFC) 编译警告。 原文:defineProps is a compiler macro and no longer needs to be imported. 翻译:defineProps 只是编译器宏,不再需要导入。 原文:defineEmits is a compiler macro and no longer needs to be imported. 翻译:defineEmits 只是编译器宏,不再需要导入。错误...
Using this macro will cause the C4867 compiler error to be generated when non-standard syntax is used to initialize a pointer to a member function. 複製 #define _ATL_ENABLE_PTM_WARNING Remarks The ATL and MFC libraries have been changed to match the Visual C++ compiler's improved ...
From other languages I know __FILE__ or similar expressions (for instance: in PHP a constant, in C a preprocessor macro) that are replaced with the current source file path. Is there anything like this in TypeScript? typescript Share Improve this question Follow asked Apr 15, 2016 at ...
macro Parameter "CONTROL_STRUCT" is used in both expanded and raw forms. (I will ignore this warning, because in this case it's right to use both forms!) 2. concatenation with "RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOAEN" in macro "__HAL_CLK_ENABLE" does not create a valid token. (What does it mean?
_ATL_ENABLE_PTM_WARNINGDefine this macro to require C++ standard syntax. It generates the C4867 compiler error when nonstandard syntax is used to initialize a pointer to a member function. _ATL_FREE_THREADEDDefine if one or more of your objects use free or neutral threading. ...
Once we run the compiler (npx macro-compiler src-folder). The nodejs and browser code will be generated. Generated File:NodeJs/src/index.ts //!start if target == NodeJsimport{Buffer}from"node:buffer";import{RTCPeerConnection}from"wrtc";//!end... ...