编译器相关的概念也就以AST为边界划分为两部分。由代码生成AST,再对AST进行分析的部分叫做前端(frontend),而由AST输出代码的部分则叫做后端(backend)。对TypeScript而言,由于JavaScript就是其子集,因此其backend非常简单,几乎只需要去掉那些属于TypeScript结构但不属于JavaScript结构的部分即可。 AST,顾名思义,它首先是个...
Development of major components like the compiler’s frontend and backend proceed independently in separate production branches off our main branch. At a regular cadence, we merge each production branch to our main branch after more extensive testing, which includes building Windows, running the boot ...
在经过 frontend 之后,优化后的计算图被生成然后传到 backend。 The backend 将high-level IR 变换到 low-level IR,然后进行硬件有关的优化。在一方面,它可以直接将 high-level IR 变换到 third-party 的 tool-chains 例如 LLVM IR,来复用现有的在通用编译器上的优化和代码生成的一些基建。另一方面,它可以利用...
Frontend 处理中,Kt 源文件经过词法、语法和语义分析(Lexer&Paser)生成 PSI 以及对应的 BindingContext。 Backend 处理中,基于 PSI 和 BindingContext 先生成 JVM 字节码,然后通过 ASM 将字节码二进制化生成 class 文件 不同目标平台的编译流程中 Frontend 的处理流程都一样,只是在 Backend 中生成不同的目标代码 K...
TVM 源代码由三层构成,包括FrontEnd接口、Relay优化和BackEnd部署。目前着重研究BackEnd VTA层级和与硬件相关的Relay部分。设计上三层应该互不影响,各自独立;但源代码分析中,Relay层糅合了与硬件无关的图优化和与VTA相关的调度生成,没有分得很开。
TVM 源代码由三层构成,包括FrontEnd接口、Relay优化和BackEnd部署。目前着重研究BackEnd VTA层级和与硬件相关的Relay部分。设计上三层应该互不影响,各自独立;但源代码分析中,Relay层糅合了与硬件无关的图优化和与VTA相关的调度生成,没有分得很开。
Sacalon is a general purpose and open source programming language designed to build optimal, maintainable, reliable and efficient software. languageprogramming-languagecompilersimpleoptimalgeneral-purposehacktoberfestcompiler-designcompiler-optimizationcompiler-frontendcompiler-backendhascalhascal-language ...
Compilers typically have two major components that work together to create the final output: the frontend and the backend. The frontend is tied directly to a specific language. It takes source code as input and transforms it into an intermediate, language-agnostic format as output. The backend ...
PROMIS is a multilingual, parallelizing, and retargetable compiler with an integrated frontend and backend operating on a single unified/universal intermed... H Saito,N Stavrakos,S Carroll,... - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 被引量: 63发表: 1999年 Simple register spilling in a retargetable compil...
ELVM is similar to LLVM but dedicated toEsoteric Languages. This project consists of two components - frontend and backend. Currently, the only frontend we have is a modified version of8cc. The modified 8cc translates C code to an internal representation format calledELVM IR (EIR). Unlike LLV...