**Regular expression design** Most patterns are quite easy, just remember to escape special characters. But I didn't find any specific document that tells me what should be escaped and what shouldn't. So I need to check by hand if any error occurs if I do or do not escape a certain...
design designated designation designed designer designers designing designs desirable desire desired desk desktop desktops desperate despite destination destinations destiny destroy destroyed destruction detail detailed details detect detected detection detective detector determination determine determined determines ...
《Analytical Characterization and Design Space Exploration for Optimization of CNNs》,ASPLOS2021,Rui Li,University of Utah Analytical characterization and design space exploration for optimization of CNNs | Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages ...
4. CHiPReP Design and Implementation The Compiler for HiPReP (CHiPReP) is a C Compiler, which maps inner loops annotated with a pragma to HiPReP. It is based on the CCF tool [31] (github.com/MPSLab-ASU/ccf, accessed on 21 October 2021), which, in turn, is based on the LLVM co...