Show version number of compiler and its phases -V Verbose messages -v Specify non-standard aliasing situations -xalias=list Compile with multiple processors -xjobs=n Compiled Code: Add/suppress trailing underscores on external names -ext_names=x Inline specified user functions -...
Show version number of compiler and its phases -V Verbose messages -v Specify non-standard aliasing situations -xalias=list Compile with multiple processors -xjobs=n Compiled Code: Add/suppress trailing underscores on external names -ext_names=x Inline specified user functions -...
Every step of the compilation process changes the source program’s representation of the world. Every stage of the compiler’s phases receives input from the stage before it and feeds its product to the stage after. Each stage in this process aids in translating high-level language into comput...
The following paragraphs list the recognized file name suffixes and the supported compilation phases. A full explanation of the nvcc command line options can be found in NVCC Command Options. 2.3. Supported Input File Suffixes The following table defines how nvcc interprets its input files: Inp...
The compiler performs a number of simple optimizations on its input: constant folding (this is required by the C# language spec) and can perform dead code elimination. Other more interesting optimizations like hoisting are not possible at this point since the compiler output at this point does no...
The following paragraphs list the recognized file name suffixes and the supported compilation phases. A full explanation of the nvcc command line options can be found in NVCC Command Options. 2.3. Supported Input File Suffixes The following table defines how nvcc interprets its input files: Inp...
That was the earliest bootstrapped compiler; it also introduced incremental compilation, which allows compiled and interpreted code to intermix. There have been numerous compilers and interpreters for later versions of LISP and its descendants, such as Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure. ...
The list below describes each of the Compiler options and its default setting, when applicable. -# Provides information on how the Compiler and linker would be invoked without actually invoking them. This option also shows which UNIX options are translated to Micro Focus options; for exa...
Currently, there are two methods to solve optimization parameter selection: iterative compilation [16,17] and machine learning-based iterative compilation [18,19,20]. Iterative compilation technology uses search algorithms to explore compiler optimization phases, and different optimization phases can ...
before the application begins running. Because of this, its startup time is a bit longer, but any code loops that appear will run faster -- since the code translation does not need to be repeated multiple times. Compilers have more time to look at the code and make any optimizations as ...