Another thing clangd could do to help is to avoid the (arguably misleading) serialization of CompileCommand::CommandLine into a string using llvm::join(Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine, " "). The invariant that "if I run the compile command that clangd prints and it works, then clangd should...
Would it be possible to add detection of system include paths when using compile_flags.txt to configure clangd? The system include paths could be detected if: compile_flags.txt is used to configure clangd the compiler is given in the CompileFlags section in .clangd configuration file: Compiler...
Java is a popular programming language and framework in the IT industry. There are a lot of ...
current .github .tx cmake contrib debian doxygen examples library qucs-activefilter qucs-attenuator qucs-filter qucs-powercombining qucs-transcalc qucs qucsator_rf translations .clang-format .clangd .gitignore .gitmodules AUTHORS CMakeLists.txt ...