> sqlite/sqlite3.c:18848:3: #error SQLite will not work correctly with the > -ffast-math option of GCC [...] > Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks! Exactly as it says. Don't supply the -ffast-math option. Something in your build environment selected that flag so stop it :-...
> xianzhang wrote: >> sqlite/sqlite3.c:18848:3: #error SQLite will not work correctly with the >> -ffast-math option of GCC > [...] >> Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks! > > Exactly as it says. Don't supply the -ffast-math option. Something in > your build environment...
Separately, with today's emulator update we have delivered on our promise to list the names of those in the $10 & $20 monthly Patreon tiers in the Help > 分享52 linux吧 NaoiRiki 【求助帖】关于__builtin_object_size的用法如题所示,有没有大神指导__builtin_object_size这个函数的用法的。。
-ffast-math \ -fstrict-aliasing -Werror=strict-aliasing \ -Wa,--noexecstack \ -DANDROID -DNDEBUG -D__ANDROID_API__=$FF_ANDROID_API" #硬编解码,不同平台配置参数不一样 if [ $ENABLE_GPU = "TRUE" ];then # 开启Android的MediaCodec GPU解码;ffmpeg只支持GPU解码 export COMMON_FF...
'-march=native', '-O3', '-ffast-math', '-fno-finite-math-only', '-fopenmp', '-D', 'C10_USING_CUSTOM_GENERATED_MACROS', '-o/var/folders/jy/ln20q1m92vzdvycyw3ttf5p40000gn/T/torchinductor_moto/lk/clklc23ummstvbc4wih44j2tlnqzeum5mmwbxvjuonbljvi4qy36.so']' returned non-zero ...
But the same code can be compiled with gfortran 4.2.2 using options -O3 -Wuninitialized -fno-f2c -ffast-math -fno-automatic -fno-backslash without any problem. Could anyone can tell me how to specify the compile options for ifort for this code? Here are...
but important to mention is i have here inside bashscript export GCC_IGNORE_WERROR=1 i hope i can help with this warnings to figure out upcoming errors and devs could fix this as fast as possible. thanks and best regards In file included from /root/compile/php8.4-build/php-8.4.1/Zend...
I'm using Arduino IDE 2.3 on a MacBook Pro laptop 2.3 Ghz Quad Core Intel I7 on Sonoma 14.4.1. My Reflections project has 1 .ino file and 25 .cpp files. It's about 15,000 lines of code in total. Code is here: https://github.com/frankcohen/ReflectionsOS. It takes about 8 ...
Compiling C file resonateur_func.c (optimize) with -O0 /data/levy/2011/cds_mmsim7.2/tools.lnx86/systemc/gcc/4.1/bin/gcc -march=i686 -ffast-math -O0 -DSYSV -DSVR4 -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DconfigSPECTRE -I. -I/data/levy/2011/cds_mmsim7.2/tools.lnx86/spectre...
[hamid@localhost untitled folder]$ gfortran -O3 -ffast-math gofr.f uread.f dcell.f invert.f /usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.4.4/libgfortranbegin.a(fmain.o): In function `main':(.text+0x28): undefined reference to `MAIN__'collect2: ld returned 1 exit...