当你遇到 compileSdkVersion is not specified 的错误时,这通常意味着在你的 Android 项目中的某个 build.gradle 文件中没有正确设置或指定 compileSdkVersion。这个问题常见于以下几种情况: 1. 确认上下文环境 这个错误通常出现在 Android 项目的构建过程中,特别是当 Gradle 尝试编译 Android 应用或库时。你需要检查...
输入法引擎。 你的输入法将被替换为默认输入法。重新安装外部存储时,用户可以打开系统设置再次启用您IME。 动态壁纸 你运行的动态壁纸, 将被替换默认的Live壁纸。重新安装外部存储时,用户可以再次选择您的动态壁纸。 应用程序! 从主屏幕上,你的应用程序部件将被删除。重新安装外部存储时,您的应用程序部件将无法供用户...
在Android Studio 中,我可以看到它说了同样的话: Cause: compileSdkVersion is not specified. 所以我在 Android Studio 中编辑了 build.gradle(Module: app) 文件,但问题仍然存在,并且错误消息没有改变。 android { // compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion compileSdkVersion 28 buildToolsVersion "...
我正在尝试在 android studio 中测试我的 ionic 应用程序。它抛出以下错误。 Gradlesyncfailed: Cause: compileSdkVersionisnot specified. 有什么解决方案吗?我究竟做错了什么。 这是我的 build.gradle 文件 apply plugin:'com.android.application'buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() maven { url...
(),but primary configuration failure takes precedence.java.lang.IllegalStateException:compileSdkVersionisnot specified.at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState(Preconditions.java:456)at com.android.build.gradle.BasePlugin.createAndroidTasks(BasePlugin.java:590)at com.android.build.gradle.Base...
For my React native project when I run npx react-native run-android I get this error: Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0. Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation...
> Plugin with id 'maven' not found. 2: Task failed with an exception. --- * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':expo'. > compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to build.gradle Found a similar issue but it doesn't have any answer#16173 What platform...
I’m getting a java.lang.IllegalStateException: compileSdkVersion is not specified on builds now. It’s weird because it happened after a small text change, so I was confused. I even rerran on the last commit it worked on, and it’s failing now. Useful info: I’m manually overriding...
年初开始我们就开始了关于Gradle Sync阶段的优化。之前和大家都简单的介绍过工程相关的背景情况了,我们...