浏览器版本: Firefox 128 使用框架: React 复现步骤 compile.include 有以下几个问题: 不能接受 RegExp 作为参数(无法经过 Validate) 函数类型不起作用(如下面的代码,函数只会触发 3 次,并且 modulePath 是空字符串) 纯字符指定的路径也不起作用 (查看编译出来的结果,并没有发生变化) compile: { include: [...
Description Currently, running lingui compile --typescript produces a .ts (which contains javascript code) file along with .d.ts file with typings. However, TypeScript, at least on my machine, ignores the typings file - which kinda makes sense given that
执行m._compile报错 // server.js const express = require('express'); const ReactSSR = require('react-dom/server'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'; const app = express(); if(!isDev) { const serverE...
"scripts": { "build": "webpack-cli app.tsx --config webpack-config.js" } For an example of using webpack with React and a webpack configuration file, see Create a web app with Node.js and React. If you need to configure options such as the startup page, path to the Node.js...
如果你正在使用 React,你还可以为 JavaScript JSX 文件和 TypeScript 启用热模块重新加载,只需一些设置: npm install --save react-hot-loader@next CallenableLiveReload({strategy: 'react-hmr'});in your main file, afterapp.ready(similar to above) ...
File: generatePath.js Project: ElForastero/react-router function compilePath(path) { if (cache[path]) return cache[path]; const generator = pathToRegexp.compile(path); if (cacheCount < cacheLimit) { cache[path] = generator; cacheCount++; } return generator; } Example #10 0 Show fi...
compile time CSS-in-JS library for React. /** @jsxImportSource @compiled/react */import{css}from'@compiled/react';constbuttonStyles=css({border:'none',borderRadius:'3px',padding:'8px 10px',backgroundColor:'#6554C0',color:'#fff',fontWeight:400,fontFamily:'Arial',fontSize:'14px','&...
{// options})const{code}=compile('<div>{{ msg }}</div>')console.log(code)...
按保存 Ctrl+S 会自动编译编译 less, sass, scss, stylus, typescript, typescriptreact, jade, pug and js 等文件。 支持less, scss, scss 等文件代码高亮。 支持在默认浏览器打开 html 文件。 支持压缩 javascript 和css 文件。 支持格式化 javascript, json, css, sass,和 html 等文件。 编译前编译后 ...
BulbulPython3 to JavaScript/ES6/ES7 compiler. Apparently the only Python-to-JS compiler intended to provide support for AngularJS, React, Aurelia and other modern JS libs. BrythonBrowser Python. Embed Python 3 in <script type="text/python"> ...