$ wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- 安装有关编译程序。安装make ,gcc, make-kpkg,运行menuconfig等等和编译内核相关的工具。 安装不了,请检查/etc/apt/sources.list 文件。 有关命令: 代码: $sudo apt-get install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev...
Before you configure kernel make sure you have development tools (gcc compilers and related tools) are installed on your system. If gcc compiler and tools are not installed then use apt-get command under Debian Linux to install development tools. # apt-get install gcc Now you can start kernel...
$sudo apt-get install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev 1. 二、解压源代码 注意,网上很多教程上说应该解压到 /usr/src,纯属以讹传讹,linux掌门人linus说解压到任何目录上都可以。当然,linus的说法是正确的。我放在自己的主目录下的src目录。 如果你下载源代码是放到自己的主目录下或者运行上面的...
2) Configure.config # need to reserve# CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_KEY="certs/signing_key.pem"# need to set ""# CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS="debian/canonical-certs.pem"# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS="debian/canonical-revoked-certs.pem"cp /boot/config-$(uname -r).config make menuconfig 3) make &&...
$ wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- 安装有关编译程序。安装make ,gcc, make-kpkg,运行menuconfig等等和编译内核相关的工具。 安装不了,请检查/etc/apt/sources.list 文件。 有关命令: 代码: $sudo apt-get install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev...
new Linux user / admin find it difficult to compile Linux kernel. Compiling kernel needs to understand few things and then just type couple of commands. This step by step howto covers compiling Linux kernel version 2.6.xx under Debian GNU Linux. However, instructions remains the same for any...
kernel ./build.sh extboot recovery ./build.sh recovery Download:Debian rootfs(64-bit),put in SDK path 7z x debian_rk3588_rootfs_xxx.7z mkdir debian mv debianxx-rootfs.img debian/rootfs.img Update each part of the.imglink to the directoryrockdev/: ...
For which linux distributions are these scripts ? Actually only for Ubuntu / Debian based linux systems I have not planned to update the scripts for other linux systems like manjaro, kali etc.. What is this !? If you want to have the latest linux kernel running you often need to compile...
root@ziomario-Z390-AORUS-PRO:/usr/src/linux-source-6.5.0/linux-source-6.5.0# make -j4 deb-pkg GEN debian error: creating source package requires git repository What’s the next command to install the recompiled kernel or better to produce a deb package ?
Linux marcelo 5.15.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.15.3-1 (2021-11-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux Here is the compilation log messages: marcelo@marcelo:~/Downloads/evdi$ make CFLAGS="-isystem./include -isystem./include/uapi -Werror -Wextra -Wall -Wmissi...