:TSInstall bash c cpp diff dockerfile git_config gitattributes gitcommit gitignore go gomod gosum html http ini javascript jq jsdoc json json5 jsonc latex lua make markdown markdown_inline passwd perl php python regex rust scheme sc ss sql toml typescript vue yaml SwayWM ImageMagick (for...
If the editor executable is renamed to a word starting with l (or have a symlink with that name), the default theme will be suitable for light backgrounds. If the editor executable is renamed to a word starting with s (or have a symlink with that name), the default theme will be the...
LaTeX3 Info: Defining command \BeforeClosingMainAux with sig. 'om' on line (LaTeX3) 274. LaTeX3 Info: Defining command \AfterReadingMainAux with sig. 'om' on line 287. LaTeX3 Info: Defining command \protected@immediate@write with sig. 'm+m+m' on (LaTeX3) line 298. (/usr/share/t...
LaTeX3 Info: Defining command \BeforeClosingMainAux with sig. 'om' on line (LaTeX3) 274. LaTeX3 Info: Defining command \AfterReadingMainAux with sig. 'om' on line 287. LaTeX3 Info: Defining command \protected@immediate@write with sig. 'm+m+m' on (LaTeX3) line 298. (/usr/share/t...
These comments are ignored by GitBook, but are understood by gitbook-pandoc.jar when it converts the files into LaTeX. To add an index term, you simply write: Temporibus autem <!--\index{foo} quibusdam-->quibusdam<!--/i--> et aut officiis... Here, the word quibusdam is ...
I thought that one way to see if this is the case is to save your equation as "LaTeX source" and to see which encoding was used. However I realize now this wouldn't work, because the code that saves "LaTeX source" is set to always use utf-8 while the code that runs latex uses ...
A standard installation of LaTeX and Pandoc should provide both. Render to PDF with pandoc will only appear on the ctrl-o menu when editing a Markdown file and pandoc is installed.Easter eggsPress the Konami code keys while in the ctrl-o menu to start a silly little game about feeding ...