Here is the description of this error: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0yksykw4(VS.90).aspxThe problem is that resource script file exists and everything should work just fine but for some reason it doesn't. I tried to place file in the directory where "rc.exe" is located ...
The Error reads: Invalid Outside Procedure The macro is very simple: Instructing the macro button to take the user to a specific page in the...
Decryption Error “The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 characte” Decryption error: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. Default Access Specifier in C# for Classes and Interfaces Default value of bool in Methods Default values for struct DefaultValue Attrib...
Out of memory (Visual Basic Compiler Error) Overflow (Visual Basic Error) Overload resolution failed because no '<method>' is accessible Overload resolution failed because no accessible '<genericprocedurename>' accepts this number of type arguments Overload resolution failed because no accessible '...
Error - The variable name '@Deptt' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. Error - There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. Error - This project references NuGet package(s)...
Call variable outside function Calling 'Get-Counter' remotely throws error 'Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline' Calling a function using Start-Job Calling a PowerShell code from Access 2010 Calling a program with powershell Calling a PS script from VBA with ...
An error has occurred while collecting data for Administrative Templates. An invalid dn syntax has been specified when using the dn that is in Active Directory on ADsOpenObject call An LDAP client connection was closed because of an error An object named "***" cannot be found anonymous a...
Error : Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll version) requires MFC shared dll version. Error 5023 (ERROR_INVALID_STATE) on WinHttpSendRequest in DLL error about"cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure" error after critical section "exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing locati...
Out of memory (Visual Basic Compiler Error) Overflow (Visual Basic Error) Overload resolution failed because no '<method>' is accessible Overload resolution failed because no accessible '<genericprocedurename>' accepts this number of type arguments Overload resolution failed because no accessible '...