Vipish This Compile Error In Hidden Module error message usually appears when there are 32-bit add-ins versions of Office that are incompatible with the newer Excel version. Uninstall all AddIn's and restart Excel, when the error is fixed, activate one AddIn at a time to see which AddIn...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":3618903,"subject":"Compile error in hidden module : module1","id":"message:3618903","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1510691"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"conversation":{"__...
把appwiz.cpl中的office security updates中关于excel的更新卸载即可~1、appwiz.cpl是控制面板项之一,可以用来安全的从计算机上删除程序和添加程序。2、双击位于"C:\Windows\System32"目录下的"appwiz.cpl",或直接在运行对话框中输 入"appwiz.cpl"运行皆可。是不是加载了宏了,可以去删除了宏看看 ...
然后看里面有没有一个叫 linkCreation.dotm 的文件,有的话删掉即可。其他文件的话不要动。原链接: ...
The error is raised when a compilation error exists in the VBA code inside a protected (hidden) module. The specific compilation error is not exposed because the module is protected. Possible solutions: If you have access to the VBA code in the document or project, unprot...
Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNew Compile error in hidden module: DistMon The different suffixes indicate that you have different culprits to blame, and that's why there is more than one solution for you to solve the problem. Before checking the solutions, you should know the reason...
方法 1:下载最新版本的 Adobe Acrobat 5.0 加载项 方法 2:移动文件
Excel 2007VB报错Compile error in hidden module:DistMon,一个很普通的excel文件打开报错如下为了隔离问题,新建一个excel打开仍然报错,问题定位到了Excel本身安全模式启动Excel打开文件OK没问题基本上清晰了是插件的问题disablepdfadd-in,问题解决 搜索引擎上
打开excel时会出现:compile error in hidden module:manager。 方法 1:下载最新版本的 Adobe Acrobat 5.0 加载项 方法 2:移动文件
Active X Settings are enabled. I can click on all the other cells, but as soon as I hover the mouse over the selection bocks, I immediately get the error. Can anyone please offer fuidance? RegardsExcel Excel A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, chart...