where <cmake> is the location of the cmake(1) command-line tool, and <config> and <target> are the values provided to the CONFIGURATION and TARGET options, if any. The trailing -- -i option is added for Makefile Generators if policy CMP0061 is not set to NEW. When invoked, this ...
原来是因为swift的桥接文件里引用了pch文件,且又在pch文件中#import <LiaoGou-Swift.h>导致的。把pch文件中对Swift.h文件的引用去掉就可以了。
Visual FoxPro executes the object code in the additional memo field when you use the DO FORM command. For more information, see DO FORM Command. CLASSLIB Compiles one or more visual class library (.vcx) files specified by cFileName or cFileSkeleton. Source code for a visual class library ...
Run 'CMake: Build' command after successfully configuring the project using CMakePreset. Remove build/Debug/CMakeFiles/vscode-cmd-truncated.dir/main.cpp.o Run 'CMake: Compile Active File' command for main.cpp. Actual Result: The 'CMake: Compile Active File' VSCode command doesn't compile a...
I believe the command line you have for the file with the space in it, is ill formed. When I try to do something similar, I get an error from gcc that it cannot find the file "/proj/test2/test". Did you add this manually to compile_commands.json, or was it generated by a tool...
Hello, i am trying to compile OBS on Kubuntu 24.04. I got to the compile command "cmake --build YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY" But it ends with this error: [4/95] Linking CXX executable plugins/obs-browser/obs-browser-page FAILED: plugins/obs-browser/obs-browser-page : && /usr/bin/c++ -O2...
when using compiler in the command line, you should take of the following: you need not compile a header file, since header file gets substituted in the script where include directive is used. you will require to compile and link the implementation and the script file. for example let cow....
{"type":"cppbuild","label":"C/C++: g++ build active file","command":"/usr/bin/g++","args": ["-fdiagnostics-color=always","-g","${workspaceFolder}/*","-o","${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}"],"options": {"cwd":"${fileDirname}"},"problemMatcher": ["$gcc"],"group...
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future" else # C语言标准,clang编译器默认使用gnu99的C语言标准。不同的库可能使用的C语言标准不一样,不过一般影响不大,如果有影响则需要特别指定 # -Wunused表示所有未使用给与警告(-Wunused-xx 表示具体的未使用警告,-Wno-unused...
When you've installed the tools, there's another tool you'll use to build a C or C++ program on the command line. MSVC has complex requirements for the command-line environment to find the tools, headers, and libraries it uses.You can't use MSVC in a plain command prompt windowwithout...