报错信息中说找不到主模块(main modules). 在开启了GO111MODULE的情况下,不要使用vscode打开项目之外的目录,因为在这些目录下检测不到go.mod就会一直报错。 所以正确的使用方式是: 如果项目已使用了mod或打算使用mod,设置GO111MODULE=on,使用vscode打开一个独立且完整的项目,并确保最外层目录下创建了go.mod文件。
那就剩下你的另一个请求了:VS Code的集成终端中的那些装饰来自其“Shell Integration”功能。您可以使...
I have a number of question for VS Code Settings i am trying out to build a test.cpp file with cJSON.c and cJSON.h (from cJSON library) included in it. The code as below #include<iostream>#include<sstream>#include"cJSON.h"intmain(){ std::cout <<"ello world"<<std::endl; cJ...
Select the code in the new class file, and then replace it by pasting in the code from the Help topic. Press F5 to compile and run the example. How to: Create a Windows Application Project How to: Create a Windows Forms Application from the Command Line ...
I have a Visual C++ code that was developed and compiled in 32 bit. I believe the Visual Studio 2017 has the 64 bit format.Can I run and compile the Visual C++ code in 2017 so that it would compile the code in 32 bit?Any suggestion and thread from anyone would be deeply apprecia...
Sorry, I don’t have a windows+vscode environment. If this problem still exists, you can use vscode to open the xmake-vscode project source code, load and run it, and debug the following code. jprochazkmentioned this issueDec 4, 2020 ...
I have a Visual C++ code that was developed and compiled in 32 bit. I believe the Visual Studio 2017 has the 64 bit format.Can I run and compile the Visual C++ code in 2017 so that it would compile the code in 32 bit?Any suggestion and thread from anyone would be deeply appre...
Most reference topics in the Visual C++ Code Model Extensibility reference contain a code example. This code example has been tested to compile in the Macro environment and run in the Visual Studio development environment while a C++ project is active. ...
If thatdoesn'tfix the issue, you can manually build the next file, which now isSysIVF.f90in the NWTC_Library source code. Right click on the source file and then selectcompile. When that finishes compiling, try tobuildthe solution again. (Don'trebuildbecause that will just delete the *...
After reviewing a couple of alternative IDEs/Source Code Editors that could be used to code and compile in MQL5 instead of using the original Metaeditor IDE, I decided to go with Visual Studio Code, from Microsoft. I will not discuss here what was my approach to finally choose VSC as my ...