Dear Expert, I have gotten the script to change the data type of the excel using C#. The code is working when I use the console app in visual studio. But its not working when using SSIS script task in visual studio. Its have the compilation error. I'm…
execute immediate:用于在存储过程里面. 动态的执行 SQL语句,比如使用本地动态SQL根据用户输入的表名及字段名、字段类型等参数来实现动态执行DDL语句。 createorreplaceprocedureproc_test ( table_nameinvarchar2,--表名 field1invarchar2,--字段名 datatype1invarchar2,--字段类型 field2invarchar2,--字段名 data...
SQL> create or replace function 2 remove_constants(p_query in varchar2) return varchar2 3 as 4 l_query long; 5 l_char varchar2(1); 6 l_in_quotes boolean default FLASE; 7 begin 8 for i in 1..length(p_query) 9 loop 10 l_char :=substr(p_query,i,1); 11 if(l_char='''...
TSqlCompilationError 类型公开以下成员。 属性 展开表 名称说明 End Gets the end location of the error in the source file. FileName Gets the name of the source file in which the error occurred. IsWarning Gets a value that specifies whether the error is an exception, or if it is ...
Compiler Error Message: CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'string' compress string and save to varbinary column of sqlserver concatenate the multiple columns in linq conditional insert sql statement - C# ...
Type SQL statements or !help <username>#(no warehouse)@(no database).(no schema)> In a new terminal, clone the followingGitHub repo: git clone The data files you'll be using in this tutorial can be found ...
[SQL]CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "fn_CompareAge" (in_age1 IN VARCHAR2, in_age2 IN VARCHAR2) RETURN INTEGER AS v_mark1 INTEGER := 1; v_mark2 INTEGER := 1; v_num1 INTEGER; v_num2 INTEGER; v_result Integer := 0; BEGIN
When attempting to upgrade the P6 EPPM database using dbsetup, the following errors occur after entering in the username/password of the privileged user, reporting user and background job user:ERROR---SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of ADMUSER.P6_RPT_CO...
Surprising, we are getting the error when querying the tables (through synonyms) not any views or any plsql code either from sqldeveloper or sqlplus client and is, intermittent.The tables are being accessed by the reporting application using synonyms through application userid and gets the same ...
SQL> 1. 1. 1. Tue Jun 25 20:15:01 HKT 2019 1. Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/xxx/udump/xxx_ora_11203.trc: 1. ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 1. ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of LBACSYS.LBAC_EVENTS ...