Price your products for maximum profitability with our eBook Free Download Related resources Pricing Research Product Pricing 18 min read Pricing Research Value-based Pricing 9 min read Pricing Research Pricing Strategies 24 min read Pricing Research ...
These markets are highly competitive oligopolies served by hundreds of active retailers and that have been affected by information technologies such as price comparison engines and shopping bots. In these markets, firms can only identify broad group memberships to clusters of firms, and compete within... Competition on Software Verification and Witness Validation: SV-COMP 2023 521 97. Ponce-De-Leon, H., Haas, T., Meyer, R.: Dartagnan: Leveraging com- piler optimizations and the price of precision (competition contribu- tion). In: Proc. ...
Dayton Law Review 853et seq.(1991–1992);Bergh & Lehmann, “Informationsökonomie und Verbraucherschutz im Wettbewerbs-und Warenzeichenrecht,” 1992 GRUR Int. 591 (market failure as a result of an information deficit); in a similar contextHuntley & Stephen, “Unfair Competition, Consumer Decep...
In comparison to the monopolistic benchmark case, we argue that, in a duopoly created by the emergence of an open source program, the proprietary software producer will reduce its selling price if: (i) its network of users is larger than the open source network and its consumers are largely...
See below for our head-to-head comparison: The Brief History Of Zcash The precursor to Zcash started its life in form of Zerocoin. This John Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) project was designed to address one of the primary drawbacks of Bitcoin, its lack of privacy. ...
We use an analytical model to capture two important features of OSS: (i) its zero licensing price and (ii) its lower usability in comparison with proprietary software. Prior studies have shown that competition from OSS causes the proprietary software provider to produce software that is both ...
The complaint,seen byReutersclaims the Google Play Store and Apple's App Store charge between 15% and 20% commission, which in turn forces price inflation. Addati was previously the head of the telecommunications federation that existed before being replaced by the IFT. ...
Friederich, H. C., Uher, R., Brooks, S., Giampietro, V., Brammer, M., Williams, S. C. R., et al. (2007). I’m not as slim as that girl: Neural bases of body shape self-comparison to media images.Neuroimage,37,674–681. ...
These incentives also have a role to play in antitrust cases. In Google Shopping, the EC considered the impact of Google’s practices on competitors’ incentive to innovate, knowing that they “could no longer reasonably expect sufficient traffic to compete with Google’s comparison shopping servic...