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【中商原版】Competing in the Age of AI 英文原版 人工智能时代的竞争:算法和网络主宰世界的战略和领导力 Harvard Business Review 中商进口商城 我的记录 1/9 ¥219 剩余1 满199包邮 查看优惠 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算...
具体不展开了,可以看看这篇文章The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) 但放长远看,我们绝不能低估了AI对未来的影响。AI与其他正在发生的如物联网、区块链、AR/VR等结合起来,在未来二十年就会给世界带来爆炸性指数级的变化。这是new meta,是无限游戏中的规则的重定义,是...
IBM’s Watson effectively passed a Turing test of human-like intelligence. The performance showcased state-of-the-art speech recognition, natural-language processing, and search. The victory, however, was clinched by a different skill: Watson outperformed the other contestants in the “Daily Doubles...
THE AGE OF ANALYTICS: COMPETING IN A DATA-DRIVEN WORLD DECEMBER 2016 IN COLLABORATION WITH MCKINSEY ANALYTICS HIGHLIGHTS 34 55 75 Organizational challenges Disruptive business models Enhanced decision making In the 25 years sinc...
Let's look at how the rich get richer. When they have the most amount of assets during a bull market, they will make a larger absolute amount. Over time, they will pull away from the masses who don't have as much investments, and exacerbate the wealth inequality we see in this wo...