competency-based 释义 能力本位 实用场景例句 全部 The competency - based approach, in contrast, aims much lower. 相反地, 基于 能力的方法目标更低. 互联网 So far, simulation technology has merely accelerated the shift from knowledge - based to competency - based training....
作为第一所提供“Competency-Based”学习模式的美国公立大学,北亚利桑那大学引起了全美的关注。 美国PBS电台相关报道 北亚利桑那大学认为,对于那些可以从工作经验过程中获得能力的学生来说,“Competency-Based”学习模式是一种完美的方法。 因此,学校推出了在线计算机硕士项目,如果学生们能快速掌握课程的内容,就可以按照学生...
能力本位教育(competency based education,CBE)是指围绕职业工作岗位所要求的知识、技能和能力组织课程与教学的教学体系。也是把培养学生的职业能力作为职业技术教育根本目的的教育思想。通常采用DACUM课程开发模式。制定明确、具体的行为化教学目标,作为实施教学的依据和评价学生的标准。其体系中的个性化教学能适应学生不同情...
Competency-based pay plans 是主语, tie是谓语,tie pay to seniority as well as to competence将薪酬与资历和能力挂钩。结合句意判断。结合句意可知说法正确,答案:A。 句意:基于能力的薪酬计划将薪酬与资历和能力挂钩。Competency-based pay plans 是主语, tie是谓语,tie pay to seniority as well as to ...
How Competency-Based Education Works At the core of CBE is the idea that not all students learn at the same pace or in the same way. When a teacher delivers instruction to a whole class, a third of the students may be behind where the teacher is and not understand. ...
准备基于胜任力面试(competency-based interview)有三个重要技巧: 1.花时间去研究与职位相关的关键胜任力非常重要 逐字逐句研究岗位描述是一定要下的功夫。左边岗位描述,右边自己的简历,记录下每一个两者相关的火花,基于自己的简历和计划去...
网络教育和培训 网络释义 1. 教育和培训 “能力本位的教育和培训(Competency based education and training)”简称CBET。CBET的特点是依赖职业能力分析的结果…|基于19个网页 例句 释义: 全部,教育和培训
Competency Based Education: Enable student growth with digital portfolios, engaging assessments, and Portrait of a Graduate tools for educators.
Competency-based education (CBE) allows learners to advance based on their own ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace, regardless of environment. This method is tailored to meet a variety of learning abilities and can lead to better student outcomes. D2L Brightspace is a lea...
1. 素质能力面试方法 素质能力面试方法(Competency-based interview),是根据目标职位的素质能力要求,建立一个逻辑:过去的行为是未来业绩最 …|基于4个网页 2. 素质能力面试探讨 素质能力面试探讨(Competency-based interview)进入后台 写新日志 文章管理 评论管理 更换模板 访问统计 2009/07/01...