“In pursuance of NEP-2020, CBSE has been introducing competency-based questions in the classes 10 and 12 board examinations to reform the pattern of examinations. These questions comprise multiple formats such as objective type, constructing response type, assertion and reasoning, and case-based for...
OR Evidence-Based Listening & Poses questions to understand the ideas of others. OR Discussions Speaking 3 Shows preparation by referencing information from 听与说 有据的参与讨论 assigned readings and prior knowledge. 回顾话题主旨或重申/阐释他人的观点;或者为了理 解他人观点提出问题;或者通过引述指定...
You're kind of like the parent, like we do with our kids, with their chores where now they're like facilitators, they're going around asking questions, they're identifying how they learn best. They're getting to know them. The kids are actually engaged. They have less of a headache. ...
To put this into perspective, consider a typical large lecture section of an introductory statistics class. The instructor is an expert in the field and has created a lecture based on his/her perspective. To the instructor the notion of ‘central tendency’ is a single idea that may be expre...
To this end, we aimed to answer the following research questions: (1) How effective is IVR-based learning compared to video-based learning in improving classroom management competency among pre-service teachers? (2) What is the impact of IVR-based learning influence compared to video-based ...
the guesswork is largely eliminated. The goal of competency-based selection is to go beyond the superficial to discover real evidence of ability to perform, based on interview questions that explore actual experience or work samples that verify an applicant's ability to create outputs much like tho...
Customer service representatives can easily answer common questions by customers, improving customer support and satisfaction. An electrical engineer can perform a site survey. They capture the required information with their mobile device so that the installation of the electricity point can be planned ...
Constructive feedback Constructive feedback is: Useful Meaningful Impactful Easy to understand Communicating feedback Give: Constructive Based on observed behaviour Objective Specific Short and concise On the issue, not the person Timely Receive: Listen Ask questions for clarification Don’t get defensive...
Possible questions could include (pick and choose – make up ones according to situation): What do we know about this situation/ problem? What have we heard others say about this situation? What area the pluses and minuses of this current situation? What are the key ...
A semi-structured interview is proposed based on a guide of initial issues or questions, offering the interviewer the freedom to introduce additional questions to clarify concepts and obtain more information, adjusting the interview flow to the interviewees’ pace [45]. Specific interview scripts—...