The chances are high that a driver will be involved in a car accident sometime in their driving life, whether it is their fault or not. We help people who have been injured in a car accident that was someone else's fault get compensation for their injuries and for the financial losses ...
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, you may have questions about how long it may take to settle or receive payment or compensation for your injuries. We understand. As medical bills and other expenses pile up, it can be stressful waiting to recover your costs from the at...
According to the most current report from the Singapore Force, there has actually been a rise in the variety of traffic accidents causing injuries recently. Although the number of casualties has actually dropped, it is still possible for even one of the most careful drivers to be associated with...
If you successfully claim compensation for cosmetic surgery negligence, you will likely receive financial compensation for your injuries, and also for the costs of any corrective surgery and other treatment that may be required. Truth Legal can help you to claim the compensation you deserve following...
include serious illnesses or diseases contracted while on the job (though not common illnesses, such as the flu or a cold). A workers’ comp attorney can help you determine if you have a strong case, and can help you build a strong claim to recover compensation for your injuries and ...
The right to raise a civil action for a matter covered by the scheme is withdrawn save for exemplary damages. The trigger for a claim is ‘personal injury accident’. This includes physical and mental consequences, medical misadventure, industrial injuries and incapacity, and actual bodily harm, ...
In one case, the offender was unknown, and the participant had applied for compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), but the application was denied. A semi-structured interview guide was constructed around several themes, one of which focused on how participants ...
The curious names are given to a pair of devices that have suddenly become extremely topical, thanks to the UK's out-of-control compensation culture. Sinking beneath the sheer volume of claims from motorists for alleged whiplash injuries, the International Insurance Whiplash Prevention Group is ai...
Reports from one recent accident victim stated that 4 solicitor or legal firms contacted her to persuade her to claim for injuries and damages resulting from her accident. The UK government have confirmed that they are planning to take action to kerb these claims and will most likely outlaw the...
This is, of course, coupled with the financial impact: the costs of the procedure, the costs of physical and mental rehabilitation and the costs to your income that injuries may cause. If you have suffered these consequences because of the negligent behaviour of those treating you, we believe...