将“compassionate leave"翻译成中文 事假, 探亲假, 特准的事假是“compassionate leave"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:An employee should be entitled to compassionate leave for marriage, birth or death in the family ↔ 雇员有权因为结婚、生育、或家人去世而享受照顾性休假。 compassionate leave ...
Starach’s situation was difficult but nevertheless rejected the H&C grounds application. Counsel for Ms. Starach sought and obtained leave to pursue a Judicial Review at the Federal Court of Canada to challenge this decision. The judgment of the Court was, simply put, scathing. It he...
Family (i.e., unpaid) caregiving has long been thought of as a ‘woman’s issue’, which ultimately results not only in gendered, but also financial and health inequities. Because of this, gender-based analyses have been prioritized in caregiving researc