该研究阐明了ATX1/2-COMPASS-like复合体通过其互作因子JMJ28的WRC结构域特异的识别DNA基序,被招募至靶位点催化H3K4me3修饰的沉积。 由于COMPASS-like复合体之间存在广泛的功能冗余,以及与其他甲基转移酶相比,ATX1/2对H3K4me3的贡献相对较小,导致鉴定出的受JMJ28特定靶向的位点数量并不多。另外,目前尚不清楚JMJ28所识...
进一步研究发现,osashl1 osashl2双突变体中基本营养生长期正调控因子OsVIL4的H3K4三甲基化水平显著降低,致使其转录水平降低,延长基本营养生长期。综上,该研究揭示了COMPASS-like-OsVIL4途径调控水稻基本营养生长期的分子机制,补充了水稻抽穗期调控机制,为育种实践中平衡营养生长与生殖生长提供新思路。COMPASS-like复合...
在哺乳动物中组成型异染色质中富集着大量的h3k9的三甲基化h3k9组蛋白三甲基化与异染色质100重叠和h3k27的单甲基化h3k27单甲基化与异染色质90重叠表明suv39h1是参与异染色质的主要甲基转移酶之一h3k9和h3k27位的甲基化存在着相互作用petersetal COMPASS-like复合物调控水稻营养生长向生殖生长的转变 摘要(Ⅰ) ...
passive-compass-like-biped-robot网络无动力双足行走机器人 网络释义 1. 无动力双足行走机器人 被动双足行走机器人,compa... ... ) compass-like 被动双足行走机器人 ) passive compass-like biped robot 无动力双足行走机器…www.dictall.com|基于5个网页©...
INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE Compass-like biped robot Part I: Stability and bifurcation of passive gaits Ambarish Goswami, Benoit Thuilot, Bernard Espiau N ˚ 2996 October 1996 THE` ME 4 apport de recherche Compass-like biped robot Part I: Stability and ...
Interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control for a compass-like biped robot: A novel procedure for designing an interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control to perform different walking gaits of a compass-like bipe... V De-León-Gómez,V Santibaez,J Sandoval - 《...
求翻译:COMPASS-like complexes containing MLL1 or MLL2 include the unique subunit menin (FIG. 1b), which can act as a tumour suppressor 22 and is required for localization of the complex to chromatin 23. MLL1 is required for H3K4 trimethylation at a small subset of mammalian ...
Thuilot, and B. Espiau, "Compass-like biped robot part i: Stability and bifurcation of passive gaits," 1996.Goswami, A., Thuilot, B., and Espiau, B. (1996). Compass-like biped robot part I : Stability and bifurca- tion of passive gaits. Rapport de recherche de l'...
In this study, a walking manner of a spatial compass-like biped robot with underactuated ankles is presented. This biped robot has 3 degrees of freedom with only one actuator. The hip joint is equipped with a constraint mechanism to lock the angle when it retracts to a desired value. With...