CompassReading.MagneticHeading 属性 项目 2015/08/27 本文内容 语法 版本信息 .NET Framework 安全性 请参阅 命名空间: Microsoft.Devices.Sensors 程序集: Microsoft.Devices.Sensors(在 Microsoft.Devices.Sensors.dll 中)语法C# 复制 public double MagneticHeading { get; internal set; } ...
Represents a compass sensor. This sensor returns a heading with respect to Magnetic North and, possibly, True North. (The latter is dependent on the system capabilities.) For an example implementation, see the compass sample.
magneticHeading ; 描述 相对于磁北极的航向(单位为度)。(只读)始终在当前方向上相对于屏幕顶部测量此属性中的值。磁北极的航向与真正的地理北不完全相同 - 要获得准确航向,请使用 trueHeading 属性。using UnityEngine;public class Example : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { // Orient an object to point ...
RL the synchronization is made manually by pilot after set Compass "red on red" - set Course Setter "N" coinciding with Compass needle "+" and reading magnetic heading under Compass "Lubber Line" and dial this heading in DG. But in game compass is not much usable - neither is necessary...
HeadingMagneticNorth Gets the heading in degrees relative to magnetic-north. HeadingTrueNorth Gets the heading in degrees relative to geographic true-north. PerformanceCount Gets the performance count associated with the reading. This allows the reading to be synchronized with other devices and pro...
“Variation East, Magnetic is Least” is the old rhyme sailors learn). For example, if the magnetic Variation is 12 degrees East, then your compass will read Zero Degrees Magnetic when the True Bearing is 12 degrees. Therefore, on a True heading of 013 degrees, your magnetic compass will ...
Magnetic-compass-heading网络磁罗经航向网络释义 1. 磁罗经航向 什么意思_英语magnetic_compass在线翻译... ... Magnetic compass heading 磁罗经航向 magnetic needle compass 磁针罗盘 ...|基于1 个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
HeadingMagneticNorth 属性 参考 定义 命名空间: Xamarin.Essentials 程序集: Xamarin.Essentials.dll 方向(相对于磁北) 度测量。 C# 复制 public double HeadingMagneticNorth { get; } 属性值 System.Double 磁北向。 适用于 产品版本 Xamarin Essentials Android Latest Xamarin Essentials iOS Lates...
BarometerReadingChangedEventArgs Compass CompassDataThreshold CompassReading CompassReading Properties CompassReadingChangedEventArgs Gyrometer GyrometerDataThreshold GyrometerReading GyrometerReadingChangedEventArgs HingeAngleReading HingeAngleSensor HingeAngleSensorReadingChangedEventArgs ...
By default the compass indicates Magnetic North. The heading can be changed to True North by uncommenting the following code line that appears in the main loop(): // Heading += Declination; You will also have to replace the “Declination” value in the Arduino “header” with that of your...