Besides the main function of a manual compass, like showing the East, west, North, and south directions, this one hassome extra functions. The built-in functions of this app will show the azimuth and angle. It also indicates your current GPS along with proper graphical directions. One thing...
So, thanks to the ability to reuse calculator logic, this calculator accepts coordinates of two points, sends them over to the loxodrome calculator, receives a directional angle, sends it over to the compass point calculator, and receives a compass point. Finally, it outputs azimuth, distance in...
Azimuth Err (deg)方位误差这是方位的角度误差,直到达到采样井斜为止。 Inc. Err (deg)井斜误差这是井斜的角度误差,直到达到采样井斜为止。 Interpolate 插通过勾选插方框,误差值是对于中间井斜的插值。否则误差值将作为釆样井斜之间的离散值。例如:如果下列误差被输入: Sample Inc, Azi Err, Inc Err 10.0 ...
thetarget.Typetheazimuth(directionfromocanorth)ofthedowndipdirection.This isthedirectionabawoudroifpacedintheformationbeddingpane.Thisisnotthe orientationofthetargetshape. PolygonalTargets ThefollowinggraphicdepictsthePolygonalTargetEditorwindow: Eachpointonapoygon maybegivenitsown nameorabe. Wedgetargetsmaybe def...
Gyrocompass Azimuth旋转罗盘方位由于陀螺仪漂移引起的万向脱落方位读数误差。注意对于这个项目的Wolff & deWardt weighting是1/cos(井斜)。这意味着产生的误差结果将在较高的井斜时“爆发”。这个项目有意描述加权读数等级转子脱落仪应当使用于较低的角度的情况下。如果你希望在系统误差模式中描述新型比率/连续陀螺仪,...
1、COMPASS 2000操作使用手册目录录.COMPAS概述.1. compass点: 错误!未定义书签。2. COMPAS主要具有三个主要的功能,同时还有一个功能强大的测绘工具。 3. COMPA系统还有如下功能:.4. COMPAS还拥有如下一些实用工具.简要的操作指南 To open a wellpath (打开井眼)To view wellpath: (查看井眼)Open another ...
per year). I never thought about comparing the difference between Polaris and magnetic North (I incorrectly just assumed it was more than a few degrees, lol). Is it a pretty good assumption that I can just use a field compass and get by with a very slight nudge for my Azimuth bearing?
on-board calculator containing unit generating orientation angles, suspension control unit, unit for calculation and automatic compensation of error of azimuth determination, and control device.;EFFECT: actuators ensure fixed turns of the rotating shaft and additional frame of the suspension relatively to...
AzimuthNotation:___° Note:Readtheendofcompassneedlethatmakesdipdirectiontotherightofthestrikedirection(Right-Hand-Rule). StrikeandDip Dip:Anglebetweenatiltedplaneandahorizontalplanethatisperpendiculartostrike. Maximumangle(≤90º) Notation:___°N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW Note:...
·Gyrocompass Azimuth旋转罗盘方位由于陀螺仪漂移引起的万向脱落方位读数误差。注意对于这个项目的Wolff deWardt weighting是1/cos(井斜)。这意味着产生的误差结果将在较高的井斜时“爆发”。这个项目有意描述加权读数等级转子脱落仪应当使用于较低的角度的情况下。如果你希望在系统误差模式中描述新型比率/连续陀螺仪,...