The standing charge and amount you pay per unit of energy stays the same for the duration of the fixed rate deal, so your bills will only go up or down if you use more or less gas and electricity. It protects you from price increases, but you won't benefit if prices fall. More ...
Compare Home Gas and Electric Lower your home energy bills! Get An Instant Quote Looking For Even Lower Prices! Want help in finding a cheaper renewal quote for your gas or electricity bills? Maybe you need a Bespoke quote? Or looking for a bigger discount as you are a big user or have...
Compare gas and electricity prices with us, from multiple energy suppliers. Compare energy rates from the 'big six' and find the right deal for you.
I'm moving home. How do I switch gas and electricity? If moving, inform your provider to see if you can take your current deal with you. If not, you’refree to move away from the default supplier at your new property. Remember to take a meter reading when you move out and another...
Doctoral Thesis: Electricity and gas supply network unbundling in Germany, Great Britain and The Netherlands and the law of the European Union: A comparison Doctoral Thesis: Electricity and gas supply network unbundling in Germany, Great Britain and The Netherlands and the law of the European Union...
natural gas in the USA to 1991, particularly at the Federal level: its longterm development, its relationship to the physical and economic structures of the industries, its potential for enhancing or degrading efficiency, and the implications of regulatory perestroika in the gas industry in the ...
Compare gas and electricity prices at The Energy Shop, the UK's leading whole of market energy price comparison service. Switch suppliers in minutes
providing information about potential savings and financial incentives from using the comparison site on a range of outcomes that include actual electricity prices, consumption and expenditure, our findings shed light on the effectiveness of comparison sites and financial incentives on improving competition....
Selecting the right tariff type could help you reduce your costs if you're looking to secure a cheap energy deal. When comparing energy tariffs, it’s important to consider how and when you usegasand electricity. For example, if you use most of your energy at night, switching to a multi...
When it comes to electricity and gas, consumers in many countries choose between a wide range of tariffs. In the UK there are hundreds of options from scores of suppliers, varying up to 30% in price. This is a difference of hundreds of pounds a year, so consumers' ability to move betwe...