Senseofequalityandhierarchy 平等意识和等级 Westerners,astrongsenseofequality,whetherrichorpoor,everyonewillrespectthemselvesandnotallowotherstoinfringeupontheirrights.西方人的平等意识 强,不论贫富,每个人都尊重自己,不容许别人侵犯自己的权利 Suchas NowintheequalrightsofAfricanAmericansandwhites现在,在非裔美国人...
comparison of chinese and western culture 中西方文化比较third, differences in social relations 社会地位意识的差异 sense of equality and hierarchy 平等意识和等级westerners, a strong sense of equality, whether rich or poor, everyone will respect themselves and not allow others to infringe upon their ri...
文档介绍:Comparison of Chinese and Western Culture 中西方文化比较Third, differences in social relations 社会地位意识的差异Sense of equality and hierarchy平等意识和等级Westerners, a strong sense of equality, whether rich or poor, everyone will respect themselves and not allow others to infringe upon ...
Comparison of Chinese and Western Culture中西方文化对比.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ComparisonofChi;Sense of equali;At the same tim;As the United S;The two men are;In the china ;In China, some ;Thank you第六组 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0...
资源描述: Comparison of Chinese and Western Culture 中西方文化比较 Third, differences in social relations 社会地位意识的差异 Sense of equality and hierarchy 平等意识和等级 Westerners, a strong sense of equality, whether rich or poor, everyone will respect themselves and not allow other...
comparison between Chinese and western culture 中西文化代表的东西 2011-12-9 WorldCommissiononCultureandDevelopmentReport ThewordculturecomesfromtheLatin拉丁文rootcolere(toinhabit,tocultivate,ortohonour).Ingeneral,itreferstohumanactivity;differentdefinitionsofculturereflectdifferenttheoriesforunderstanding,orcriteria...
中西文学比较(英文版) Comparison OF Chinese and Western Literature由五洲传播出版社于2008-9-1出版,李庆本,崔连瑞 著,许华锋 等译负责编写。
three meals a day tools for meals owing to the differences of chinese and western culture, the life style of chinese and western have great distinction .the aggressiveness of western lifestyle is smoldering the chinese lifestyle which is which is receptive. chinese house western carthouse 当前...
中西方文化比较Comparison between Chinese and Western cultures.pdf,华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 中西方文化比较 姓名:邹进东 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:王乾坤 20051101 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 摘要 文化是人类生活的总和,既是一种生活