I can read faster than all of my classmates What Is The Difference Between Comparative And Superlative Adjectives and adverbs can be used to compare similarities or differences amongst things, people, places, actions… When 2 things are compared we use the comparative form; when one thing is com...
Regarding: Many one- and two-syllable adjectives and one-syllable adverbs may be compared by adding ‑er or ‑est. In the USA, the use of FAR is more complex (and disputed). When referring to physical distance: far, farther, farthest. When referring to non-figurative distances: far, ...
There really is no comparison between the performance of today's computers and those of a decade ago. Comparison (grammar) A feature in the morphology or syntax of some languages whereby adjectives and adverbs are inflected to indicate the relative degree of the property they define exhibited by...
Explanation 这是美国哈佛大学的一位教授写的一篇反映美国社会瞧不起书呆子文章中的一段。显然句①“甚至在像哈佛大学这样声名显赫的高等学府里,排斥知识的现象也很普遍。”是这一段的中心思想句,即主题句。而后面的两句都是一句比一句具体地发展这一思想;句②哈佛大学的一般学生对知识的态度;句③本科生对知识...
Comparative Adverbs We use comparative adverbs tocompare two actions. Examples: He eats faster than me. Your brother is nicer than your sister. My house is warmer than yours during winter. What Are The Uses Of A Superlative Adjective Or Adverb?