It takes a bottom-up approach, based on extensive synchronic and diachronic corpus studies of six English adjectives of comparison: other , different , same , identical , similar and comparable . Their functional diversity in current English is proposed to constitute a case of layering, ...
VAS (100mm) were labeled with different adjectives marked at opposite ends with ‘not at all’ and ‘extremely’ (Farré et al, 2014, 2015; Peiró et al, 2013). Subjects were asked to rate effects of ‘any effect’, ‘stimulated’, ‘high’, ‘good effects’, ‘bad effects’, ‘liki...
Since its introduc- tion, numerous variants have been developed using different numbers of containers, material (e.g., beads/containers, 2 Schizophrenia Research and Treatment fish/lakes, adjectives/personality traits, sheep/herds), mode of administration (e.g., real beads/containers versus comput-...
For example, the search engine may compare noun and adjectives, followed by nouns and verb, followed by adjective and verbs in succession, scoring each individual comparison and then flagging the webpages with the best general result. For example, the user inputs “ACME DVD 200+.” The ...
(cor- rect)analysis. Inthispaper,wecomparetwotypesofap- proachesfordealingwithunknownwords.The firsttypeisbasedontheconceptofsupertagging whilethesecondoneperformsLA.Generally,su- pertaggingreferstotheprocessofapplyingase- quentialtaggertoassignlexicaldescriptionsasso- ciatedwitheachwordinaninputstring,...
they have availed me of their valuable experience and information. In addition, I would like to thank my families and friends who have been so supportive during my thesis writing. They have inspired in me a lot of precious ideas as well as assisted me in the revision of my thesis writing...
`tall', can be the main predicate of a sentence, with no other arguments intro- duced - I stay uncommitted at the moment as to whether it is a predicative adjective or stative verb, though I favor the latter, which matches the consultant intuition that certain adjectives be- have like ve...
Judgments of "ratios" and "differences" are monotonically related for continua such as loudness and pitch of tones (Birnbaum & Elmasian, 1977; =-=Elmasian & Birnbaum, 1984-=-), heaviness of weights (Mellers, Davis, & Birnbaum, 1984), likableness of persons described by trait adjectives, ...
Statistical analysis using "t"-test was used to ascertain the discriminative power of the four advertising adjectives. The study indicates that in general there are gender perception differences towards TV commercials in Iran. Some differences were found on the male viewers for some products, ...