The following study is concerned with the effects of urbanization on the Australian Aboriginal perception of their minority group status, in comparison with the white majority group. This study was carried out in terms of exchange theory, making particular use of the comparison level concept. The ...
In the United States, considerable attention has been directed to sexual behaviors of black and white adolescents, particularly age at first sexual experience and the prevalence of teenage pregnancies. More limited attention has been paid to comparing established sexual relationships in these two racial...
Relationships between Myers-Briggs type indicator measure of psychological type and neo measure of big five personality factors in Polish University studen... English-language versions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Form G) measure of psychological type and the NEO-FFI measure of the Big Five...
This research investigated relationships between route learning performance and two general abilities: spatial ability and verbal memory in 153 boys and girls between 6- to 12-years-old. Children completed a battery of spatial ability tasks (a two-dimension mental rotation task, a paper folding ...
Building relationships and cultivating trust and respect: A multi-level comparison of cultural tailoring processes by community health workers addressing breast and cervical cancer screening needs in a Cambodian and a Laotian community in California....
Children raised in mother-headed families from infancy: a follow-up of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers, at early adulthood BACKGROUND: The present investigation constituted the third phase of a longitudinal study of the quality of parent-child relationships and the psychologica......
in one-child families is higher than that of children in large families,interestingly, the "middle child syndrome" may lead to a positive effect. Since children in large families have more opportunities to play with others (their sibling), their level of extraversion should be greater than that...
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Acknowledgments and declarations This research was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (71871161), the National...
in the educational context, the so-called Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect (BFLPE)7, suggests that equally able students will give worse evaluations of their own academic abilities when in a high-performing class than when in a class with a lower average performance level. The BFLPE has been ...
Comparing Apples and Oranges: Fifteen Years of Definitions of Giftedness in Research 2013, Journal of Advanced Academics Teacher support, motivation, learning strategy use, and achievement: A multilevel mediation model 2012, Journal of Experimental Education Teacher-student interpersonal relationships in In...