比较和对比文章 (A comparison and contrast essay) 通过比较两个相似的物体或对比不同的物体,让读者了解两个物体的优缺点。然后,读者能够权衡所比较和对比物体的优缺点,以选择更好的产品。然而,这并不意味着它只是产品的比较或对比,它可能是读者在权衡利弊后做出决定的情况。虽然比较对比文章旨在展示相似之处和不同...
comparison-contrastessay TodayIwillcompareandcontrastthetwofollowingthings:taxiandbus Gatheringandorganizingsupport bus Lowerfare taxiBoth transportation Higherfare CapacityofholdingMeansofpublicCapacityofholdingmorethan20passengers4passengersNotsoconvenientMuchmoreconvenientFasterspeed Lowerspeed Nowadays,withtherapidgrowth...
Comparison & Contrast Essay Comparison&ContrastEssay Comparison:showingupsimilarities.Contrast:makingdifferences/dissimilaritiesknowntoreaders.TheFunctionofComparisonandContrast:1.Toexplainsth.yourreadersprobablydon’tknowaboutbycomparingitwithsth.elsetheyprobablyknowabout.Explanationofduplication 说明雷同 2.Toconvince...
Comparison & Contrast essay ComparisonandContrast Anothercommonpattern:•Acomparisonorcontrastessayisanessayinwhichyoueithercomparesomethingorcontrastsomething.•Acomparisonessayisanessayinwhichyouemphasizethesimilarities,andacontrastessayisanessayinwhichyouemphasizethedifferences.Questionsyoucananswerbycomparingand...
In this essay, I will elucidate the differences between "contrast" and "comparison", illustrate their usage through examples, and discuss their significance in English writing. Firstly, "comparison" refers to the act of identifying and highlighting the similarities between two or more entities. It ...
Examples of Comparison and Contrast Essay: Thecomparison and contrast essayis often assigned to students who are asked to compare two different literary texts, or compare how an idea is presented in two different texts. For example, a student may be asked to think about how the idea of love...
Comparison and contrast essayIvan/Wang Yifan & Romeo/Yu Bingfu ENG1300 Compare/Contrast Essay Two Old Women There are two old women’s stories, a fake old lady and a death old lady, and do you want to know what’s similarity or what’ s difference between them? When comparing “Old ...
系统标签: essay contrast foods comparison canned fresh ComparisonandcontrastessayexampleConsumingFreshFoodsInsteadofCannedFoodsEatingisanactivitythatweashumansdoatleasttwotimesaday.Weliveinaworldwherethevarietyoffoodisimmense,andweareresponsibleforwhatweeat.Wedecidewhatweareabouttoeatandhowitwillaffectourbodies.The...
comparison-and-contrast-essayHere are some contrast conjunctions that you can use: Short Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions However, In contrast, By contrast, ..., but ..., yet On the other hand, even though + [sentence] although + [sentence] whereas + [sentence] unlike + [sentence] ...
Comparison and Contrast Essay Definition:In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the ...