Part V. Writing 20分 用“Comparison and Contrast” 写作技法,完 成一篇120字以上作文。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic High Salaries or Career Development? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Ch...
大学英语专业写作contrast adn comparison ComparisonandContrast ?EuropeanuniversitiesanduniversitiesintheUnitedStatesaredifferentinmanyways.First,EuropeanstudentsenrollinfewercourseseachtermthanUnitedStatesstudentsdo.Second,Europeanstudentsseldomliveatauniversity.Instead,theyliveathomeandtraveltoclasses.Thirdly,mostEuropean...
Yet, at the same time comparison/contrast can be a part of an essay as well. In this case, you compare and contrast some events or things in order to develop an argument later. Here are the examples of several topics, where compare/contrast parts should be included. Hatred and love, ho...
写作与修辞contrastandcomparison的用法 与比较 Comparisonandcontrastaretwothinkingprocessesweconstantlyperforminourdailylife.Wemightcompareandcontrasttwocities,twoproducts,twobooks,twoplaysorfilms,etc.althoughcomparisonusuallyindentifiessimilaritiesandcontrastpointsoutdifferences,thetwoarestructurallysimilarandcanbe...
1、Development by Comparison and Contrast,Comparison and contrast are two thinking processes we constantly perform in our daily life. We might compare and contrast two cities, two products, two books, two plays or films, etc. although comparison usually indentifies similarities and contrast points ...
4.Thereismorehardworkinworkingonamathproblemthandoinghouseholdchores.CONTRAST WritingtheThesisStatement HowdoIwriteathesisstatementforacomparisonandcontrastessay?Decidetowhatextentthesimilaritiesbetweensubjectswillbestressed,andtowhatextenttheirdifferenceswillbestressed.Createathesisstatementthatreflectsthatdecision.Examples...
comparison & contrast I
基础英语写作comparisoncontrastwritingtask Writing Task: choose one topic you are interested in MAIN PRACTICE: Organizing a Comparison-Contrast Topic Writing Task 1: Alaska and Hawaii 0. You are a travel agent, and a wealthy client has asked you to help her decide on a vacation destination. She...
Comparison/Contrast Essay Writing There are two main reasons that people use comparison and contrast: 1. To Explain--You might compare and contrast kinds of food, for instance, to help someone understand which food need to be refrigerated and which can be stored in a cabinet or in a ...
写作与修辞 contrast and comparison 的用法与比较.pptx,parison and contrast are two thinking processes we constantly perform in our daily life、 We might pare and contrast two cities, two products, two books, two plays or films, etc、 although parison usua