ParagraphDevelopmentbyComparisonandContrast ComparisonandContrast TheDifferencebetween illustratesthesimilarities showsthedifferences TopicSentence ChinaisdifferentfromtheUnitedStates.× TheeducationalsystemofChinaisdifferentfromthatoftheUnitedStates.orIntermsofeconomy,ChinaandAmericahaveencounteredsimilarproblems.Myhighschool...
Sampleparagraph Topicsentence:contrastingthedifficultyofgoing toChaletwiththeeaseofgoingtoMcDonald’s dresscode reservations arrivaltime parkingspace Samplethesisstatements Summary Tosumup,inordertodocomparisonandcontrast,you needalwaystohavefourelementsinmind.Theyare: Comparability Mainpointstobecompared Purposeof...
写作与修辞contrast and comparison的用法与比较.ppt,Homework: Write a paragraph of classification on the topic: Sports( P. 500) Topic sentence: According to the number of people taking part in sports, sports can be divided into three groups. Division: ( si
little gifts credit Extra-curricular activities should be improved in several aspects as an essential part of college life, so that students can lead a colorful and rich life. fulfilling life Paragraph Development (3) Comparison & Contrast Comparison 类比 to point out similarities between two things...
写作与修辞contrast and comparison的用法与比较[宣贯].ppt,Complete the outline according to the organization of Sample 1 Subject: the time most students spend studying for a test Topic sentence: The time most students spend studying for a test can be divid
18、patterns for the structure of the supporting sentences in a comparison and contrast paragraph. The alternating pattern (point-to-point)The block pattern (side-to-side)examining one thing thoroughly and then start the otherexamining two things at the same time, discussing them point by point ...
1、Comparison and ContrastLecture FocusDefinitions of Comparison and ContrastBasic Features Select your topicsSet your purposeOrganize your ideasDevelop cohesion & styleSteps to Writing: BrainstormingDraftingRevisingSuggested Activities/Homework What You Should Know Comparison-contrast is a common meth 2、od...
comparison-contrast paragraph EnglishComposition2Week13--Week14 For2013Cohort Chapter11Comparison-contrastParagraphs Week13--Week14For2013Cohort Contents ••••••1.Warming-upactivities2.Whydoweusecomparisonandcontrast?3.Typesofcomparisonandcontrastessays4.Tipsforcomparisonandcontrastessays5....
comparison-contrastparagraphcomparison-contrast paragraph 相关文档 英语paragraph 一对一英语口语 让世界看到你阅读答案 北大荒的秋天阅读答案 英语写作范文之议论文 comparison-contrastparagraph©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销...
You are to write a comparison and contrast essay for the novel Holes by Louis Sachar, and the film Holes starring Shia LaBoeuf. Your essay should consist of four paragraphs in the following format: Paragraph 1 – Introduction (3-5 sentences) Briefly explain what is being compared and ...