Body Paragraph (Comparison/Contrast on Single Point) Both Police Chief Hayes and Judge Sayor can be described as "tough on crime." Under Chief Hayes, our town has experienced a sharp decline in violent crime, and a no nonsense approach to arresting and prosecuting those who step outside of ...
◆To write a comparison or a contrast paragraph, identify the comparable points between two (or more) topics. Once you identify the points of comparison,brainstorma list of similarities and differences for each one. Then,listand explain examples of each similarity or difference. What’s the Poi...
You are to write a comparison and contrast essay for the novel Holes by Louis Sachar, and the film Holes starring Shia LaBoeuf. Your essay should consist of four paragraphs in the following format: Paragraph 1 – Introduction (3-5 sentences) Briefly explain what is being compared and ...
andpriceofinsurance.OrganizingaComparisonandContrastEssay Twotypicalwaysindevelopingparagraphof comparisonandcontrast:Subject-by-subjectpatternPoint-by-pointpattern Introduction Introduction SubjectA:Point1:Point1Point2Point3 SubjectB:Point1Point2Point3 SubjectAvs.SubjectB Point2:SubjectAvs.SubjectB Point3:
A comparison and contrast paragraph or essay can be organized by either a block method or a slice method. What method is used in the following paragraph? Boston and Detroit are completely different cities. One difference is that Boston is small in that its mero area has about 1 million ...
?Similarities-to-Differencescomparisonandcontrastusesaseparatesectionorparagraphforsimilaritiesanddifferences.?Inotherwords,thebodyofyourpaperwouldhavetwolargesections:oneforsimilarities,andanotherfordifferences.Point-by-PointStrategy ?Inthisstructure,youexplainonepointofcomparisonbeforemovingtothenextpoint.?Forinstance,...
your tutor would like you to compare and contrast these subjects, and not only provide the list of differences and similarities. In other words analytical work is expected from you. In order to complete this type of essay one should develop and design analytical thesis and paragraph (one or ...
he structures his paragraph around points of comparison instead of subjects, moving back and forth between the subjects. the specifics of both subjects are placed close together for direct and immediate comparison and contrast, and transitions are often used so as to avoid abrupt 14、 switching ...
development by comparison and contrast DevelopmentbyComparisonandContrast Comparisonandcontrastareoftenusedinparagraphorcompositionwriting.Thedifferencebetweenthetwoliesinthepoints:Comparison---similaritiesbetween2ormorepeopleorthingsofthesameclass;Contrast---differencesbetweenthem.Waysoforganizingparagraphsofcomparisonand...