In this regard, in the view ofEvent Segmentation Theory, episodic memories are segmented by shifts in context that engage prediction processes of near-future experience known asevent boundaries43,44. Past research has also shown that items encoded in spatially proximal locations tend to maintain clus...
SPA-UNet: A liver tumor segmentation network based on fused multi-scale features Systematic evaluation of clinical efficacy of CYP1B1 gene polymorphism in EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer observed by medical image Rehabilitation effect of intelligent rehabilitation training system on hemiplegic...
e Relationship between Tourists' Focus on Landscape Elements and Perceptions 4.5. ATnhaelycsoisrroef stpheoRndeliantgionreshlaiptiobentswheiepnsTboeutrwisetes'nFtoocuursisotns'Lfaoncdusscaopne ElalnemdesncatspaenedlePmerecneptstioannsd theirTpheerceoprrteiosnpsonadreinsghroewlantioinnsFhiigpusrbee...
Introduction Coastal wetlands are important but vulnerable ecosystems that provide valuable ecosystem services such as protection from storms and storm surges, support for fisheries and seafood industries, nursery sites for juvenile fish, carbon storage, nutrient cycling, waterfowl habitat and other key ...