Medicare Private-Fee-for-Service (PFFS), Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), and Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans are all different types of Medicare Advantage plans.
Just as your health care needs can change from year to year, so do Medicare plans. While Medicare plans generally cover all Part A and Part B benefits, not all plans offer the same cost sharing or additional benefits. You may be able to find new extra benefits, save money – or both....
Comparing Group Medicare Advantage Plans and Private Medicare ExchangesKersting, Matthew A.Schatten, KirstenBenefits Quarterly
Turning 65 Means More Choices for Boomers Comparing Medicare, Employer Healthcare PlansBoomers have the added complexity of factoring Medicare into their employer-provided healthcare decisions, according to Allsup, a nationwide provider of Medicare plan selection services and Social Security disability ...
The article discusses a study on comparing physician-reported cancer management plans with Medicare services received. The researchers assessed the agreement between post-position emission tomography (PET) National Oncologic PET Registry (NOPR) physician-reported intended management and post-Medicare services...
(body mass index of ≥95th percentile for age and sex) were recruited from our pediatric obesity treatment program. They were randomized into one of three groups and given a monthly adherence score (AS) of up to 100 points. These points were based on completing a medical visit, reporting ...
Control group patients, who, during their first encounter, declined any surgical or interventional care with spinal injections, were censored if they crossed over into interventional and surgical care plans. Patients with postoperative dysesthesia were not censored as this common sequela is not a ...