languages: ${{ matrix.language }} config-file: ./.github/codeql-config.yml queries: security-and-quality - name: Autobuild uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@f09c1c0a94de965c15400f5634aa42fac8fb8f88 # v3 uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@aa578102511db1f4524ed59b8cc2bae4f6e88195...
Measuringandcomparingquality and results stimulates better performance of the social services, while open comparisonsallowforbroader dissemination of both good and bad performance. 衡量和比较质量与成果能够促进社会服务取得更佳成绩,而开放 式的比较还可以使良好及不良...
i.e. to divide the quality programmes into "Year-round quality current affairs programmes", "Quasi- year-round quality current affairs programmes", "Frequently on-the-list quality current affairs programmes", "Quality long drama series" and "Quality short drama series/reality dramas", and then ...
stage('Code Quality') { when { anyOf { branch 'master'; branch 'release/struts-7-0-x' } } steps { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'asf-struts-sonarcloud', variable: 'SONARCLOUD_TOKEN')]) { sh './mvnw -B -Pcoverage -DskipAssembly -Dsonar.login=${SONARCLOUD_TOKEN} verify ...
Additionally, they may lack sufficient support and resources to provide high-quality learning activities and interactions for their children compared to parents with bachelor’s degrees and above. These factors could contribute to the unexpected lower correlations between DA and PR from parents with ...
datasets of location-based data, this study reflects on and draws recommendations on how the parameter of ‘location’ can generate a different range and quality of findings from Twitter data with a case study of public discourse on ethnic and religious minorities during the pandemic in the UK....
The computer-mediated discussion was a useful augmentation to strident learning, but it was rated lower than in-class discussion for sincerity, legitimacy, and comprehensibility. The article concludes with suggestions for enhancing the quality of both forms of discussion....
Amazon Machine Learning services, Azure Machine Learning, Google AI Platform, and IBM Watson Machine Learning are four leading cloud MLaaS services that allow for fast model training and deployment. These should be considered first if you assemble a homegrown data science team out...
override async run(accessor: ServicesAccessor) { const openerService = accessor.get(IOpenerService); const commandService = accessor.get(ICommandService); const dialogService = accessor.get(IDialogService); const dateFormatter = safeIntl.DateTimeFormat(language, { year: 'numeric', month: 'long',...
What's the R1-Zero training method used by DeepSeek? R1-Zero is DeepSeek's innovative training approach that relies solely on reinforcement learning combined with chain-of-thought reasoning, enabling strong self-correcting behavior. Topics Large Language Models...