Present solution is to concatenate the columns that I am using to create a unique identifier column, copy each of them below the other spreadsheet, and then use highlight duplicates, and filter, but it is inefficient and error prone and can create false positives. I am ...
How do you refresh Excel spreadsheets using SSIS? How do you remove leading zero's from a string? How do you unzip a file in an SSIS package? How does DTExec get installed? How dynamically fetch cell range data from excel source in ssis? HOW i can Perform Transaction rollback in SSIS ...
I am looking to determine if there is built in functionality to quickly see the differences between two different spreadsheets. Use Case: I have two separate systems that are supposed to have th... Copper Contributor Nov 17, 2023 I was hoping that excel would have native...
{"__ref":"User:user:1174419"},"revisionNum":1,"uid":3261366,"depth":1,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"subject":"Re: Comparing two columns in two different excel spreadsheets","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderat...
I have 2 spreadsheets in a work book. I need to compare the part numbers and remove the part numbers that are not in both list. Any suggestions on the...
Sheet 1 has Column D and E and I want to search Sheet 2 in columns F, G and H. D and E from sheet 1 must match the Row for F and G in sheet 2. If they match then I need the number that is in H for that same Row. Can I get some help on what to ...