Felix Mormann, Dan Reicher, and Victor Hanna, A Tale of Three Markets: Comparing the Renewable Energy Experiences of California, Texas, and Germany, 35 Stan. Envtl. L. J. 55 (2016).Felix Mormann et al, A tale of Three Markets; Comparing the Renewable Energy Experience of California, ...
Desert Biodiesel: Texas Researcher Focuses on Improving Safflower, Castor Developing more drought-tolerant oilseeds such as safflower and castor that can grow in the desert will increase the amount of land in the United States that can produce biofuels crops. That's the goal of research being con...
Harmon Dobson had one goal when opening up his burger stand in Texas: make a burger big enough that you'll need to hold it with two hands. The burger was so big (and delicious) that customers couldn't help but exclaim, "what a burger!" These tasty burgers served on an enormous 5-...
In order to combat rising inflation, many central banks also raised interest rates as a response. This has inevitably led to higher costs of funding and as subscription line facilities are typically floating rate products, banks have needed to increase their pricing. A...
000 stations across the U.S. with more than 68,800 connectors between them. About a third of them, 22,620 in all, can be found in California, which is the nation’s largest market for electric vehicles. Florida, Texas, and New York are the states with next highest number of public ...
in a gigahertz-frequency input to an oscilloscope, a comparator exists to fill the bill. Just heed Gordon Holton, strategic-marketing manager at Texas Instruments, when he warns you not to be too cheap. He notes some customers buy the lowest-cost comparator only to find they need the rail-...
To compare endophthalmitis rates between topical quinolone antibiotics over a four-year period in a university setting. Retrospective, cross-sectional (prevalence) study. Nine thousand seventy-nine patients who underwent a phacoemulsification procedure at a University Eye Center. The following interventions ...
rates up to 424 Kbits/s. As the name suggests, it is designed for very short range communication operating up to a maximum range of 10 cm. This limitation prevents direct competition with Bluetooth low energy, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and similar technologies. Manufacturers such asNXP USAprovide ...
Article Comparing World Economic and Net Energy Metrics, Part 3: Macroeconomic Historical and Future Perspectives Carey W. King 1,2 Received: 3 March 2015 ; Accepted: 29 September 2015 ; Published: 17 November 2015 Academic Editor: Robert Lundmark 1 Energy Institute, the University of Texas at...
Daily crude oil prices expressed as the spot price of West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI) were matched by date to the OPIS data and were obtained from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The WTI crude prices are the benchmark in the United States and the leading global crude...