Australian Eldercare Providers: Comparing Volunteers and Temporary Staff on Work Environment, Interpersonal Relationships, and Self-Efficacydoi:10.1177/0163278704270008Joseph Ferrari
比较老年人护理系统CMED6909Comparing systems of elder care: 课程内容: 这门关于老年人护理系统比较的课程采用"对老年人友好"的方法探讨了老龄化和公共卫生问题。课程以香港大学和宾夕法尼亚大学之间的合作为基础,建立了全球老年人护理视角。课程借鉴了世界各地知名专家的观点,探讨了从老龄歧视、气候危机、老年技术到...
This study compares and investigates the negative knowledge of elder care nurses at three different levels of professional experience. Thereby, various forms of negative knowledge—declarative, procedural, self-reflective and vicarious—are investigated. Moreover, the specificity of negative knowledge is ...
Eldercare – Negativeexpertise – Negativeknowledge – ProfessionalknowledgeNegative expertise is conceptualised as the professional's ability to avoid errors during practice due to certain cognitive agencies. In this study, negative knowledge (i.e. knowledge about what is wrong in a ...
' approach by Carol Bacchi. The central question is how the market was discursively framed as the solution to the perceived problems of three different systems of elder care, and how such processes are similar or different across the three countries. The analysis includes two extreme types of ...
The project was designed to compare three different models of building and strengthening community-based systems of care for older adults. Models were distinguished by the type of organization that took the lead in developing the system of services: Area Agency on Aging, acute care hospital, and ...
We draw on a cross-case comparison of ethnographic studies with two populations for whom autonomy is both central and problematic: elderly patients in post-acute care, and young adults with disabilities in an independent living program. Analyzing the institutional efforts to make their clients "as ...