Comparing Decimals (Tenths and Hundredths) Use mathematical symbols (less than, equal to, greater than) to compare decimal numbers. Decimals to tenths and hundredths. (example: 5.8 > 5.08) 3rd through 5th Grades Compare Decimals #2 ...
Decimals are compared in the same way as we compare other whole numbers. The only point to be remembered is that we also need to consider the place values given after the decimal point. These place values start with tenths, followed by hundredths and thousandths, and so on. First, we com...
Comparing fractions, decimals and percentages can sound a little scary to parents, teachers and children alike, but they don’t have to be. Quite simply, fractions, decimals and percentages all represent parts of a whole. However, with them all looking so different, you’d be forgiven for ...