Louw, A (1999) "Comparing crime in South africa's major cities: Results of four city victims surveys", African Security Review, Vol. 8, Iss. 1Antoinette Louw, “Comparing crime in South Africa’s major cities: Results of four city victim surveys - Louw - 1999 () Citation Context ......
More Coffee, Less Crime? The Relationship between Gentrification and Neighborhood Crime Rates in Chicago, 1991 to 2005 This study examines the relationship between gentrification and neighborhood crime rates by measuring the growth and geographic spread of one of gentrifica... Andrew,V.,Papachristos,...
(1) Are adult businesses hotspots for crime? (2) How do adult businesses compare with controls with regard to crime? (3) What subclasses of adult business are most likely to be associated with crime? A study of three cities reveals that adult businesses tended to fall outside the heaviest...
The C’s Have It: Comparing Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination across Cities in a Comprehensive Crime Reduction InitiativeGebo, ErikaBond, Brenda J
Most people have a clear impression of what the cities, towns and countryside look like in the UK, both physically and in terms of the lives of the people
Research on immigration and crime has only recently started to consider potential heterogeneity in longitudinal patterns of immigrant offending. Guided by segmented assimilation and life course criminology frameworks, this article advances prior research on the immigration-crime nexus in three ways: using ...
Comparing the Geographical Distribution of Crime in Cities across Nations.Lynch, James Patrick
Explaining Variation in Homicide Rates Across Eastern and Western European Cities: The Effects of Social, Political, and Economic Forces The predicted effects of unemployment rates, population heterogeneity, and age structure on homicide rates, however, were not consistently corroborated by these results....
(2005). Racial similarity in the relationship between pov- erty and homicide rates: Comparing retransformed coefficients. Social Science Research, 34, 893-914.Hannon, L., Knapp, P., & Defina, R. (2005). Racial similarity in the relationship between poverty and homicide rates: comparing re...
Official Crime Statistics and Survey Data: Comparing Trends of Youth Violence between 2000 and 2006 in Cities of the Czech Republic,Germany, Poland,Russia,and Slovenia. European Journal on Crim- inal Policy and Research,2010,16,191~205.