Decimal numbers can be compared and ordered. Comparing decimals means determining which decimal represents a larger number, and which represents a smaller number. Ordering decimals means putting them in order from the least to the greatest, or from the greatest to the least. It is helpful to ...
Decimal numbers can be compared and ordered. Comparing decimals means determining which decimal represents a larger number, and which represents a smaller number. Ordering decimals means putting them in order from the least to the greatest, or from the greatest to the least. It is helpful to ...
The decimals having the same number of digits on the right of the decimals point are known as like decimals. For example, the first group of numbers above is a group of like decimals. Similarly, the decimals having a different number of digits on the right of the decimals point are ...
This page has worksheets on comparing decimal numbers with tenths, hundredths, and/or thousandths. Comparing & Ordering (Index Page) This page has links to all levels of resources on comparing and ordering numbers. Sample Worksheet Images
The various resources listed below are aligned to the same standard, (5NBT03) taken from the CCSM (Common Core Standards For Mathematics) as the Decimals Worksheet shown above.Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, ...
Comparing and ordering numbers is a method of comparing two or more numbers and identifying if one number is equal, lesser, or greater than the other numbers and then arranging them in order
That means we want to write the numbers in order from greatest to least. Ordering Decimals In Descending Order That’s it. Not bad! Worksheet (PDF) — Hands on Practice One of the best ways to learn the material is to put a pencil to paper. And that’s what these worksheets come ... The same method can be used when comparing numbers with whole numbers and decimals or ordering decimals in ascending order or descending order. You would just place all decimals being ordered into the place value chart. What is comparing decimals?
Ordering 4 Digit Numbers Ordering 5 Digit Numbers Ordering 6 Digit Numbers Ordering 7 Digit Numbers Ordering Decimals Comparing Fractions Comparing Like Fractions Comparing Unlike Fractions I Comparing Unlike Fractions II Other Comparisons Comparing Fractions and Decimals Compare Fractions and Decimals II ...
On this page you'll find worksheets and activities to teach kids about comparing single-digit numbers.