Typical student problems with the language of comparing and contrasting include: - Using “more” +adjective + “er” (“more bigger” etc), usually to mean “much + adjective + “er” - Using “On the other hand” where a more general phrase like “However” would be more suitable - ...
materials which consisted of model of prism, model of pyramid, the beach sand, and worksheet, measuring the volume of pyramid and prism by using sand, comparing, and contrasting, then the students in each group discussed all information from their activity to find out and conclude the volume ...
1、eng 171instructor: panayiota hadjiconstantinoucomparing and contrasting 2 pieces of artcompare - when we compare two things we tell how they are alike (similarities)contrast - when we contrast two things we tell how they are different (differences)the point of comparing and contrasting 2 ...
graph, chart or table], comparing and contrasting where suitable” (with “where suitable” actually meaning almost always). Essay questions where students need to weigh up two options can also use this language, with the more common format of weighing up...
materials which consisted of model of prism, model of pyramid, the beach sand, and worksheet, measuring the volume of pyramid and prism by using sand, comparing, and contrasting, then the students in each group discussed all information from their activity to find out and conclude the volume ...
Science teacher knowledge for effective teaching consists of multiple knowledge bases, one of which includes science content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. With the inclusion of science and engineering practices into the national science education