(略。 )Compare and Contrast (II)比较和对比(2)Comparing and contrasting can help us under-比较和对比是把我们不熟悉的事stand something we do not know about by物与熟悉的事物作比较,反映它们showing how it is similar to or different from的相似或不同之处,以便我们理解things with which we are ...
However, in contrast, andon the other handare used at the beginning of a sentence to signal to the reader that an idea expressed in that sentence is being contrasted with an idea in the previous sentence. Use a comma after these words and phrases. InSouth Africa, red is the color of mo...
Phonetics, Linguistics[Ling.]to differ in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings:The sounds(p)and(b)contrast in the words "pin'' and "bin.'' n. the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted. a striking exhibition of unlikeness. ...
1772 Words 8 Pages Better Essays Read More Compare And Contrast The Biological And Psychological Theories Of Crime There are many perspectives in which one can analyze and understand why a person decides to commit a crime. Some perspectives are social learning theory, strain theory, classical and ...
The situations mentioned above create tensions in the play because Antigone and Creon are bi-polar in their beliefs. 1321 Words 6 Pages Good Essays Read More Contrast Between Oedipus the King and Antigone by Sophocles Along with the contrasting conflicts the main characters, Oedipus and Antigone, ...
Use these subordinatingconjunctions,connecting words, and prepositions to contrast positive and negative aspects. Though, Although, Even Though Although the initial cost will be high, we will eventually profit from the time spent. It's important to remember that time is money even though many ...
OLED, an advanced technology, brings remarkable improvements compared to LCD and LED displays. In contrast to LCD monitors, OLED televisions do not require a backlight. An OLED display can have individual pixel control as every pixel emits light. Consequently, the outcome is flawless darkness depth...
similar. To contrast, we tell how Brown bears live in the forests of things are different. North America. They are brown in 进行比较时,我们说明事物的相似之 color. They have four strong legs. 处。 进行对比时,我们说明事物的不同 They eat grass, fish and many other 之处。 things. Activity...
- Contrasting linking expressions like “but”, “whereas”, “though”, “although”, “while”, “on the other hand”, “in (complete) contrast” and “unlike” - Similar expressions based on nouns, adjectives and verbs, e.g. “differ”, “difference”, “different”, “contrast”, “...
Autor: Hamnat • January 23, 2015 • Essay • 1,459 Words (6 Pages) • 1,391 ViewsPage 1 of 6Compare and Contrast Essay When it came to pre-historic art forms there were several distinctive patterns and areas of focus that each specific ancient civilization held onto. The ...