I am trying to compare columns from two different sheets in two columns that matches to get a value from a 3rd column on the first sheet. ...
I was able to create a report based on an excel file which contains server names, CPU - Avail memory and % of avail memory, date and time. I need to be able to compare utilization between Feb 2 - 16 and then from Feb 20 - March 1 to show any utilization spikes after ...
How do you refresh Excel spreadsheets using SSIS? How do you remove leading zero's from a string? How do you unzip a file in an SSIS package? How does DTExec get installed? How dynamically fetch cell range data from excel source in ssis? HOW i can Perform Transaction rollback in SSIS ...
I was able to create a report based on an excel file which contains server names, CPU - Avail memory and % of avail memory, date and time. I need to be able to compare utilization between Feb 2 - 16 and then from Feb 20 - March 1 to show any utilization spikes after ...