public native boolean compareAndSwapLong(Object obj, long offset, long expect, long update); /* * Compares the value of the object field at the specified offset * in the supplied object with the given expected value, and updates * it if they match. The operation of this method should be...
在对象的构造器调用时将int a值初始化为10,输入也为10,但是CAS更新未成功的原因是由于:我们使用compareAndSwapObject``的内部机理是比较对象的引用地址,但是int数据不是对象,JVM就将其自动装箱为Integer类对象,而构造器中的10,一个输出参数的10构造了两个Integer对象,指向不同的地址引用,所以CAS机制认为其更新了...
section 替换指针 CompareAndSet((使用compareAndSet替换指针)) 实现效果 通过使用AtomicReference类的compareAndSet方法,我们可以实现线程安全的指针替换操作,保证数据结构的一致性和完整性。 总结 本项目利用Java的CompareAndSwapObject类实现了指针替换功能,通过原子操作保证了多线程环境下的数据一致性和线程安全性。在实际...
boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object obj,long fieldoffset, int expect, int update); /** *比较并更新对象的某一个对象类型的域 *@param obj 被操作的对象 *@param fieldoffset 被操作的域在对象中的偏移量 *@param expect 域的期望值 *@param update 域的更新值 */ boolean compareAndSwapObject(Object obj,...
*@paramcmp 目标值与cmp比较,如果相等就更新返回true;如果不相等就不更新返回false; *@paramval 需要更新的值; *@return*/booleancasNext(Node cmp, Node val) {/*** compareAndSwapObject(Object var1, long var2, Object var3, Object var4)
2019-12-22 23:09 − Java概述 Java之父·詹姆斯·高斯林(James Gosling) 1977年获得了加拿大卡尔加里大学计算机科学学士学位,1983年获得了美国卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学博士学位,毕业后到IBM工作,设计IBM第一代工作站NeWS系统,但不受重视。后转至Sun公司(Sta... aqin1012 0 186 Could...
A method is used to build a concurrent data structure in the form of a ranked register based on a Compare-And-Swap (CAS) functionality and an according ranked register, to allow reliable access of shared data within a storage by multiple clients. Read and write operations are defined within...
For allowing a very reliable access of shared data within a storage by multiple clients a method for building a concurrent data structure in the form of a ranked register based on a Compare-And-Swap, CAS, functionality and an according ranked register is claimed. Further, a method for buildin...
A method is used to build a concurrent data structure in the form of a ranked register based on a Compare-And-Swap (CAS) functionality and an according ranked register, to allow reliable access of shared data within a storage by multiple clients. Read and write operations are defined within...