617 Commits .vscode images plugins src tasks .eslintignore .eslintrc.json .gitignore .vscodeignore CHANGELOG.md LICENSE.md README.md gulpfile.js package-lock.json package.json tsconfig.json README License Diff Folders Compare two folders in Visual Studio Code. ...
174 Commits .github/workflows setup github actions (#92) May 7, 2023 .vscode fix vscode recommended exts Oct 12, 2021 resources remove unused icon Oct 12, 2021 screenshots add gif showing view moving Oct 19, 2021 src add option to show checkboxes ...
OS: CENTOS VSCODE: 1.69.2 Trying to get VSCode to do what I use to be able to do with IntelliJ. A couple issues that I am having with this VSCode (Free crap version) Compare current modified file to - Git Stash Compare current modified file to - any other branch...
1 How to git diff between branches in VSCode 3 How to compare a single file across git branches while keep on editing 63 Using VSCode, how do I compare two non-consecutive commits on a file in Gitlens 6 VSCode - how to compare current file with that of r...
vscode比较文件夹 插件推荐 | vscode Compare Folder插件很不错,感觉比较好用。可以显示文件中不同的地方。以及只存在于本项目,或者只存在于其他项目的选项卡,可以一键合并。很适合在merge之前处理一遍。 "compareFolders.excludeFilter": [ "**/node_modules", "**/.svn", "**/.git"],注意配置一下需要排除...
git解决冲突最佳实践就是在shell中运行`git mergetool`。此命令会自动帮你打开下一个需要解决冲突文件。在文件树界面里找文件是非常低效的。mergetool调用的程序我建议在p4merge,vimdiff和emacs里选一个。选择的首要标准就是跨平台,可靠,速度快。一般人用免费工具p4merge就够了。硬核的话就用vimdiff/emacs。目前最...
Compare two folders in Visual Studio Code diffvscodevscode-extensioncomparecompare-filesdiff-filescompare-foldersdiff-folders UpdatedApr 21, 2024 TypeScript ROCm/rocm_bandwidth_test Star46 Code Issues Pull requests Bandwidth test for ROCm compare-files ...
This is nice since I can then edit the current version in light of some previous version, as opposed to having an uneditable window when comparing two historical commits. When "Uncommitted changes" is disabled, it's not obvious how I can get VSCode to compare the worktree version with any ...
two tags, I need checkout to 0.5.0 at first, thenmanually browse to find the commit hashin gitlens pane, after that fire anOpen All Changes With Working Treecommand. the process of eyeballing to the hash of tag 0.4.0 is sort of painful as there are many commits from 0.5.0 to 0.4....
Compare to git repositoryUse this option to compare staged or unstaged changes to the last commit in the current branch or compare staged changes to unstaged changes.Compare SelectedUse this option to compare 2 selected files or folders from the File Explorer....