Natural gas and electricity rate comparison and buying options for home and business, using price charts and historical information in Georgia, NJ and Ontario.
You aren’t required to sign up for an energy or natural gas plan from a third-party NJ provider. If you don’t sign up for a plan, you’ll automatically be enrolled in one through your utility company under the default monthly rate, also known as the price to compare. ...
If you can’t resolve a dispute with your supplier, contact the NJ Board of Public Utilities at 1-800-624-0241 orfile a complaint online. Difference between a utility company and an energy provider Autility company, like PSE&G, delivers electric or natural gas to your home and maintains po...
If you live in a state with a deregulated electricity or natural gas market, you can choose the energy provider and plan that’s best for you. Unlike traditional energy markets, where you have to purchase electricity from your local utility, you can select from a variety of options. By ...