Discuss the primary differences between how plants and animals deal with any TWO of the characteristics of life. What are the similarities and differences between plant and animal adaptations? (a) Compare and contrast food chains and food webs. (b) What are...
(a)1 maintainsbiodiversity;2 maintain,geneticdiversity/geneticvariationgenepool;3 (lossofaspecies)mayaffectfood,chains/webs;4 usebyhumans;e.g.medicaluse/buildingmaterials/food5 (eco)tourism;6 ethical/moral/aesthetic,reasons;(b)(i)assumeanswerreferstothebotanicgardenpopulationunlessotherwisestatedstatementab...
(a) Compare and contrast food chains and food webs. (b) What are the strengths of each concept in describing ecosystems? Compare and or contrast the following items: mutualism, commercialism and parasitism. Explain about the similarities and differences between organisms in t...
(a) Compare and contrast food chains and food webs. (b) What are the strengths of each concept in describing ecosystems? How does nutrition as a characteristic of living organisms differ in plants and animals? How are fungi and plants different? What are common ...
(a) Compare and contrast food chains and food webs. (b) What are the strengths of each concept in describing ecosystems? How are plants and animals different? How are they the same? (Be specific.) explain how cyanobacteria are similar to plants. how...
Answer and Explanation:1 Humans can have a large effect on desert biomes. While they are similar in temperature and precipitation, they differ greatly to the natural desert... Learn more about this topic: Desert Habitat: Lesson for Kids from...